QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce


Boost your conversion rates and entice shoppers to explore and purchase more by combining two or more products in practical product bundles. Create extra value deals, run cross-selling campaigns and lots more!

Basic Features:

  • Create product bundles
  • Adjust fixed bundle prices – on sale & regular
  • Select products you wish to add to bundles
  • Configure the product quantity in bundles

Premium Features:

  • Choose one of five layout styles for bundled products
  • Display/hide product items (category, rating, price, quantity, description)
  • Adjust fixed bundle prices or use bundled item prices
  • Choose a shipping type for bundles
  • Define bundle limit rules – min and max amounts of items
  • Define min and max amounts required for different items in bundles
  • Use default or custom product names, descriptions & images or omit them altogether
  • Set product discount amounts
  • Define specific bundle products as «optional»
  • Hide specific products from bundles
  • Choose a bundle price style for bundles
  • Choose how to display Out of Stock products in bundles
  • Enable plugin defined, predetermined stylization for product bundle elements
  • Define bundled item & item price visibility on cart pages
  • Use custom labels for «Add item to bundle» buttons
  • Adjust bundled item borders and padding values

Create Bundle Deals Encouraging Shoppers to Purchase Multiple Items Together

The QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce plugin lets you combine multiple products into bundles, providing your visitors with enhanced value through deals that feature two or more items merged into a single offer.
This can help you boost sales for specific products as well as enhance the user experience for your customers by featuring unique deals within one individual product page.
Each of the bundled products can have varying quantities and a price of their own, or they can be offered as a free addition to the entire bundle, allowing for a creation of various types of extra value deals.

Documentation & Support

Check out the QODE Product Bundles Demo
Check out the QODE Product Bundles documentation

Privacy Policy

We use our services

Qode’s CDN – The domain https://export.qodethemes.com is a service from which we retrieve the list of all Qode plugins displayed in the admin dashboard.
Qode’s API – The domain https://api.qodeinteractive.com is an API that’s called when a user deactivates the plugin, to retrieve the reason for deactivation. Upon deactivating the plugin, the users are prompted for a reason for doing so. They also have the option to deactivate without providing a reply. The data obtained from the users who respond to the question is collected to improve the plugin. After the analysis of said data, the plugin is upgraded and enhanced in such a way as to fulfill the users’ expectations.
Qode’s Terms of Use – https://qodeinteractive.com/terms-of-use/
Qode’s Privacy Policy – https://qodeinteractive.com/privacy-policy/

Looking for more?

Feel free to try out some of our other products:

Qi Theme
Qi Addons for Elementor
Qi Blocks for Gutenberg
QODE Wishlist for WooCommerce
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QODE Variation Swatches for WooCommerce
QODE Compare for WooCommerce
QODE Product Extra Options for WooCommerce
QODE Optimizer


  • Product Bundles Demo.
  • Bundle With Variations.
  • Standard Bundle.
  • Gallery Bundle.
  • Accordion Bundle.
  • Boxed Bundle.
  • Minimal Titles Bundle.
  • Gallery Three Rows Bundle.
  • Admin Global Options.
  • Admin Single Bundle Options.
  • Admin Single Bundle Product Options.


From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add New
  2. Search for QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce
  3. Activate QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce from your Plugins page.
  4. Enjoy 🙂

From https://wordpress.org

  1. Download QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce.
  2. Upload the qode-product-bundles-for-woocommerce directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce from your Plugins page.
  4. Enjoy 🙂


How do I install QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce?

There are two ways you can install QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce plugin.

You can install the plugin from your WordPress dashboard:
1. Navigate to your WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add New
2. Search for QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce plugin
3. Install and Activate QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce from your Plugins page.

Or you can install it directly from WordPress.org
1. Locate and download QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce on https://wordpress.org
2. Upload the qode-product-bundles-for-woocommerce directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory using your preferred method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
3. Install and Activate QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce plugin from your Plugins page.

Which themes and plugins can I use QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce with?

The plugin fully supports all major WordPress themes and plugins (e.g. Elementor Page Builder, WPBakery, etc. as well as all other Qode products).

Why should I use the QODE Product Bundles plugin to improve the shopping experience on my site?

The QODE Product Bundles helps you boost your conversions and run cross-selling campaigns by creating extra value deals which combine two or more products into a single offer.

Is there a free version of the QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce plugin?

The QODE Product Bundles plugin comes in two versions – free and Premium. The Premium version of the plugin offers lots more functionalities and features compared to the free plugin variant, and you can see how the two versions compare one to another here.

Can I choose which product items get displayed for bundled products?

Yes, the QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce plugin lets you display or hide bundled product categories, prices, quantities, ratings, images, and descriptions.

Can I customize the appearance and content of product bundles on my product pages?

Yes, the plugin comes with a wide range of options which relate to the appearance and content of your bundled products. You can choose from 5 bundle layouts. You also get to use custom images, product names and descriptions for bundled items if you choose so, and lots more.

Can I make specific bundled products «optional»?

Yes, the plugin allows you to define each bundled product as optional, making the purchase of the bundle possible without adding the said bundled products to the cart with the rest of the bundle.

Can I choose how the «out-of-stock» products are displayed?

Yes, the plugin allows you to pick how you wish to handle out-of-stock products featured in your bundles. These products can be shown, but the customers won’t be able to purchase them, or they can feature an out of stock notice. Alternatively, you can also hide the out-of-stock products from your bundles.

Can I adjust how the product bundles appear on cart & checkout pages?

Yes, you can easily define how the product bundles look on cart and checkout pages. You can choose from 2 bundled item layouts, select between displaying or hiding bundled items on said pages, and you can choose how the bundled product prices are displayed.

How can the bundled item prices be displayed?

The QODE Product Bundles lets you use either fixed prices for your bundles (a fixed regular & sale price), or you can opt for individual bundled item prices which in turn uses default product prices with optional discounts for each of them.

How can the bundled item quantities be displayed?

The plugin lets you display either quantity info for products featured in bundles, or you can use a quantity selector, allowing shoppers to modify & add a desired number of product units to their purchase.

Can I set up the conditional logic for adding products to bundles?

Yes, you can determine when and under which rules your product bundles can be purchased. You can define a minimum and maximum number of allowed products for each bundle, and you can do the same for different products found in bundles.

Is the QODE Product Bundles plugin optimized for mobile devices?

Yes, the plugin is fully mobile optimized and ready for viewing & interacting with on any type of mobile device and screen.

What do I do if I ever run into any issues using the plugin?

If you ever happen to run into any questions or concerns, there are a number of ways you can try resolving the issue. You can check out the comprehensive plugin documentation, or you can contact our support team and one of our support pros will reach out back to you ASAP.


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Contributors & Developers

“QODE Product Bundles for WooCommerce” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



1.0 – 30-10-2024

  • Initial release.