Plugin Tag: featured image
Featured Image Pro Post Grid
(3 total ratings)Display a Masonry Thumbnail Grid of Featured Images, including captions and excerpts.
Auto Featured Image (Auto Generated)
(6 total ratings)Automatically generate a featured image from the post title (Background with post title overlay) from media library. This plugins generate a featured …
Frontier Set Featured
(2 total ratings)Frontier Set Featured will set featured image from images in the post if no featured image is set by the user.
Easy Featured Images
(4 total ratings)A small plugin to add featured images in the "All Posts" page.
Instant Featured Image
(10 total ratings)Set an image as the featured image at the same time as you insert it into the post content.
Featured Image Notes
(2 total ratings)This plugin allows you to add notes to your Featured Image meta box for specific post types.
Bulk-Select Featured Image
(14 total ratings)Allows you to select Featured Image / post thumbnail for your posts directly from the media library view.
Random Auto Featured Image
(0 total ratings)For posts/pages with no featured image, & no images associated with the entry, a random image is selected from media library & set as featured image.
WP Remote Thumbnail
(8 total ratings)A small lightweight plugin to set external/remote images as post thumbnail/featured image.
Simple Featured Image Column
(1 total ratings)A simple plugin that displays the "Featured Image" column in admin post type listing. Supports Post, Pages and Custom Posts.
Featured Image from Content
(3 total ratings)Streamline your WordPress experience with the Featured Image from Content plugin! Automatically set eye-catching images for your posts hassle-free
Custom Featured Image Metabox
(0 total ratings)Custom the title, content and set / remove link text in the Featured Image metabox.
Feslider – Featured Slider
(5 total ratings)Image slider that act like featured image, its featured slider!
Post Featured Image Generator
(6 total ratings)Parse post content and automatically generate post featured image.
Flickr Shortcode Importer
(0 total ratings)Flickr Shortcode Importer imports [flickr], [flickrset], [flickr-gallery] shortcodes and Flickr-sourced media into the Media Library.
TL Auto Feature Image
(0 total ratings)Automatically set the first uploaded image of a post as the featured image.
My Templates Thumbnails for Elementor
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds a thumbnail to the My Templates library in Elementor.